
Showing posts from June, 2020

Future Classroom Teaching Reading

Into the Future.... I am so excited to be able to be in my own classroom implementing all these amazing ideas and strategies that I have learned over the years at Columbia College. One thing that I have been super excited about and that I have held near and dear to my heart during this last stretch of my education is reading and how that will look in my future classroom. It is hard to imagine because you really do not know where you will end up especially fresh out of college. I do know that teaching reading is going to be something that I truly will look forward to in my classroom. Which is almost strange to me because I never really cared to read growing up and I really do not read very much now. When I am reading to my students and I watch how excited they are about a book and I get really into it and just watch how much they love it, I know exactly why I choose this career.  Also, teaching reading is not an easy task at all. Teaching reading will be so hard,...

5 Books For My Unit Plan!

The Fabulous Five:  In my unit plan this semester I have obtained some fun books that help me teach my students how to recognize characters and settings, character traits, comparing and contrast characters, cause and effect, and recognizing begging, middle, and end. Here is a list and how I will use it in the lesson.  1. The Rainbow Fish - Students will be able to describe the character and setting in this story by creating a character and setting Pyramid.  2. Where The Wild Things Are -  students will be able to describe the characters and setting, by writing and illustrating what they read. They will be doing this by listing the different characters, writing a sentence about their  traits and then drawing a picture.  3.  Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs -  Students will be able to describe the character traits of the main characters and compare and contrast them using a Venn diagram. 4.  A Bad Case of Str...