First Grade Assesments!

Assessments.... that is a word that none one likes to hear, even me as a future teacher. One of my goals as a future teacher is to not have your typical boring assessments. My goal is to have my students show me they have met my objectives for them in a fun and creative way.

My unit will be a first grade science unit in which my students will be able to describe the presence
of the Sun, Moon, and stars in the sky over time. My lessons will be a lot of hands on lessons and small assessments throughout the unit. I will be using a lot of models for my students to hopefully help them have a full understanding.

To give you a couple examples of how my lessons will go I will briefly explain what my lesson plans will be about.
Lesson #1: Teaching my students how the earth rotates to show day and night time. I will use a blow up globe to represent the earth and a flashlight to represent the sun. I will show my students how the earth rotates to create day and night.
Assessment #1: Students will have the opportunity to use the same model or a smaller version to show me independently how the earth rotate to give us day and night.
Lesson #2: Teaching my students the different pattern of the moons phase. We will do this together by using our moon phases recording sheets and Oreo cookies. Ex: To make the full moon twist the Oreo apart keep the icing the full amount, the circle, of white frosting inside to show the full moon. To make a half moon.  gently twist off the top of the cookie using your plastic knife, draw a line down the middle of the frosting.  scrape off half of the frosting.
Assessment #2: After we have filled out our moon phase recording sheet we will one by one remove the Oreo and color in the moon phase to match the icing on the Oreo. This is then what I can use to asses my students if the have achieved their objective by being able to show the moon phases.

Hopefully  you like my ideas on how to assess my first graders, any feed back or ideas are much appreciated. I would also be glad to help with ideas of your guys assessments. Lets make assessments fun for our students!

Now I want some Oreo's...


  1. Rylee,

    I think that lots of hands on things for first grade is wonderful, it can make it engaging and it can help them visually see what they are learning about. I think things that are fun and creative at this age is what is needed. I think it is interesting how you want to assess them with a physical action, that is something I have rarely seen before! I that visual and hands on assessments are great but they also need something that is going to show what they have learned, maybe a project? or something with more. When I was teaching first grade they were doing written assessments. Maybe you can have them do something with writing and drawing a picture of space?? Maybe do it in a group? Just a few of my ideas so you can see the progression a little bit easier.
    Great work and awesome ideas!

  2. Rylee,
    That sounds like a really yummy way to create the different phases of the moon. I'd have a hard time not eating those yummy oreos. I also love the idea of using a flashlight to show the daytime as the earth rotates. I think having a lot of interactive and visual activities are a great way to keep kids engaged, especially for that grade level. Assessments can be a scary thing but finding fun ways to assess students' progress takes that edge out of it and makes it more of a game. Students have so many tests to do already so utilizing creative ways to assess during lessons is key to keeping those little minds focused. Great job!

  3. Your assessment comes at the end of the unit, so you cannot grade the unit in lesson 2! However, you could save the oreo project until the end, but be sure to invite your professor. :)


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