Teach Like a Champion!

I really enjoyed watching the videos that were provided on Teaching like a Champion strategies. I then started to reaches all 49 strategies of Lemov: Teach like a Champion. There were three different strategies that I picked out that I believe were really good strategies that I would personally use in my own classroom.

#31 Binder Control: This is having enough respect and care for the work you put into your classroom to make a system in which you can store, organize, and recall what students are learning. I think it is so important to be creative and organized as a teacher. This will make teacher’s life easier and students’ lives less stressful.

#41 Threshold: When students cross the threshold into the classroom I would want to greet them good morning, ask them about their night. At this time I would see if students have anything in their back packs for me. I would also remind them of some expectations or give them directions. This sets the tone and reinforces the first steps in a routine that makes excellence habitual.

#48 Explain Everything: Make expectations clear, rational, and logical. Reminding students why they do what they do and ground the explanation in the mission like future success. This is important as a teacher because students need to know why for everything. We also need clear explanations on homework and assignments. Explaining in depth really jump starts students learning!

| #history | via @learninghistory


  1. Rylee,
    I really liked Teach Like a Champion as well, I thought it was so interesting. I am shocked that I have never heard of it before until now. I like how some of them are requirements for our lesson plans too, like having a hook, or modeling. I really like the ones that you picked out. I completely agree that making sure everything is completely explained to the students is important, we can show this by modeling how we want assignments to be done. I also enjoyed how you picked threshold, I think that making sure that when students walk in the classroom that they are known and are heard at least once by the teacher.
    Great work,

  2. Rylee,
    Those are some really great techniques that you mentioned. I agree with you, all of the techniques listed have a lot value. I enjoyed watching the videos as well. In my research I found some that actually showed certain techniques in action. I thought that was really helpful. I can't wait to be able to implement these techniques in my own classroom.


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