
Showing posts from April, 2019

Unit Plan Mini Presentations!

1. What was the most difficult part of designing the unit plan for you? The hardest part for me was coming up with a fun assessment at the end of our lesson plans that assessed over everything without giving my first graders a test. 2. What is the most significant learning you had about unit design? At first I thought everything was so messy but when it was all said and done everything looked super organized and set the tone for my lesson plans. 3. What felt inauthentic to you about unit design? I felt that the unit design was pretty cut and dry, it was organized but I also felt that I was just repeating everything that was in my lesson plans already. 4. Do you feel like you would ever actually teach this unit?  Why or why not Yes, I would love to teach this unit to actual first graders! I think that it would be a very fun unit plan and my first graders would love it! I also think it may be a lot of work because one of our lessons takes us on a field trip to the...

Teach Like a Champion!

I really enjoyed watching the videos that were provided on Teaching like a Champion strategies. I then started to reaches all 49 strategies of Lemov: Teach like a Champion. There were three different strategies that I picked out that I believe were really good strategies that I would personally use in my own classroom. #31 Binder Control : This is having enough respect and care for the work you put into your classroom to make a system in which you can store, organize, and recall what students are learning. I think it is so important to be creative and organized as a teacher. This will make teacher’s life easier and students’ lives less stressful. #41 Threshold: When students cross the threshold into the classroom I would want to greet them good morning, ask them about their night. At this time I would see if students have anything in their back packs for me. I would also remind them of some expectations or give them directions. This sets the tone and reinforces the first step...

Good By Lesson Plan Presentations

Tonight was the last of our lesson plan presentations, and it was kind of bitter sweet. Only three of us had to finish up tonight, and I think it went pretty great! First up was.. Abigail: I was excited about your presentation on your lesson because I love the orgon trail and I have been reading your blog post about it! I loved the ideas that you presented and the cards with all the facts on them. I love how you used so much modeling, this is so important! Great job! Kayla: Yay for Kindergarten!! I was really curious to see how you were going to do your number lesson. Of course you did great! I think Kindergarten is such a fun yet important age level to teach! Awesome job! Dakota: Great presentation, don't let us fool you I am sure we were all super nervous! You did just fine though and I think that was a really neat lesson to teach fourth grade! Measurements are super important, I always struggled with them myself. You did great! All of our presenters did a great job ove...